Real Estate App UI is a Flutter theme intended for the rental and sale of real estate houses. Users can access the real estate market, rent or buy houses, apartments, offices or villas. It is also possible to contact the different real estate agents that are available. Everything was made with a detail-oriented style and followed by the most recent UI/UX trends. Clean code & Layers are well-organized, carefully named, and grouped. Use of the "provider" package to manage the states.
Intro Screens
Authentication: Email login and sign up. Password reset.
Home: List of popular properties, locations and agents.
Explore: List of types or categories in the properties are classified. Selecting one of the categories should show only properties that belong to this category.
Properties: List of properties available for rent and sale. Selecting a property displays all property details.
Agents: Real estate agent’s area. Selecting one of the agents displays all agent details.
About us: Displays the information of the real estate company or manager of the application.
F.A.Q: FAQ section of the app. Profile: User profile information section.
Available the demo of the application for Android devices in the PlayStore at this link.
Where to buy this template?
You can buy this template on the Flutter Market website.
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